Trump begins 2020 re-election bid with ‘Keep America Great’


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US President Donald Trump has started his campaign for a big rally in Florida in 2020. In the city of Orlando, 73-year-old Trump, in front of thousands of crowds gathered in the rally, gave the slogan “Keep America Great” that is to keep the United States great. In his familiar style, he took to the media and the opposition in the rally. He said that “next year’s elections will decide on those people who behaved like non-Americans and tried to weaken our great democracy.”

In this rally Trump’s Republican Party worker was seen wearing a cap with the slogan ‘Make America Great Again’. Trump counted the achievements of his administration during this period. For tax deductions and growing economy, he praised his government. But for the second term, he did not mention any new agenda or policy.

Targets opponents

Targeting the opposition Democratic Party, Trump said, “The opposition hates the values ​​of our country. They want to come to power but despise us. ‘ He ridiculed former Vice President Joe Biden. Biden is included in the race to become presidential candidate from the Democratic Party.

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Criticized the investigation against self

Trump also criticized the investigation against him for alleged involvement of Russia in the election case. He said, “Special counselor Robert Muller and the Democrats who met with him forcibly wanted to implicate me. But after the investigation, they had to declare me innocent. “

Issue of illegal immigrants raised again

This time too, like the 2016 election, illegal immigrants are a major issue of Trump’s campaign. At the rally, Trump has called the illegal immigrants coming from Mexico to be America’s biggest problem. He has criticized the Democratic Party for promoting this problem. Trump said, “The opposition is not allowing the wall to become a reality on the border of Mexico, it is condemnable.”

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