What led to fuel crisis in Britain?


Britain was the world’s super power for nearly 200 years. But today the situation is such that people are queuing up for hours to get petrol and diesel in their vehicles. In Britain where petrol and diesel are almost exhausted at fuel stations and where little fuel is left, there are many kilometer long lines of vehicles. The situation is that the driver of famous football player Cristiano Ronaldo stood for more than seven hours at a petrol pump with his car worth Rs. 2.25 crore but could not get petrol in it. The condition is that people standing in lines outside petrol pumps are now beating with each other.

Why did this happen?

The reason for this is not that there has been a sudden shortage of petrol and diesel in Britain, but the real reason for this is that there is a shortage of truck drivers in Britain who used to deliver fuel to the petrol pumps. That is, the supply chain of petrol and diesel in Britain is completely broken. There is currently a shortage of 1 lakh drivers in the UK to deliver petrol and diesel to fuel stations. Fuel delivery in Britain was mostly done by people from other countries. But after Brexit, many truck drivers working in Britain moved to other countries in Europe or returned to their countries of origin. After this the same thing happened during Covid 19. Overall, there is currently enough oil in the UK. There are also trucks that deliver it, but there is no driver to drive these trucks.

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Now when petrol and diesel are not reaching the petrol pumps, then it is natural that there will be shortage of oil. In such a situation, due to fear, long lines of vehicles have formed outside these petrol pumps. At present, about 27 percent of fuel stations in the UK are like this. Whose petrol and diesel tanks are completely empty, although the UK government claims that this situation is gradually improving. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said that he will get the delivery of petrol and diesel from the army personnel. But the problem is that it will take at least 5 days to train these soldiers and by then most of the petrol pumps in Britain will have completely dried up.

Apart from this, the UK government has announced the issuance of temporary visas for 10,000 foreign truck drivers, but it is not easy for such a large number of drivers to return to Britain. Due to the lack of drivers, there was a shortage of goods in Britain’s supermarkets a few days ago and people started buying more and more goods out of fear of shortage. food crisis may deepen Britain’s truck drivers’ union has also said that in the coming times, the price of food items to Christmas gifts will increase because there are not enough drivers to supply these things. But this situation is not only in Britain, but there is a shortage of qualified drivers driving trucks across Europe. Poland needs 1 lakh 20 thousand truck drivers, then Germany needs 60 thousand truck drivers immediately.

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