Air New Zealand to serve coffee in bio degradable cups to reduce carbon emission


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Jet airplane generate about 53 pounds (about 24 kg) of carbon dioxide on a mile flight. But, this can not be reduced until the appropriate amount of aviation biofuel becomes available. So most airlines have started exploring other alternatives to reduce their carbon footprint. Now passengers will be given tea and coffee in such a Bio Cup, which will be made from plants. With this one step, the airline will reduce the 20 million items made from plastic every year.

Carbon emissions will be low

Air New Zealand is changing all such things used during the flight, which includes plastic, one of its advantages will be that the plane will be lighter and fuel will also be saved. The issued list of airlines is very long, but it also includes plastic made cups, water bottles, sauce packets and cheeses trays. By preventing them, airlines will be able to prevent about one million pounds (46 million kg) of carbon dioxide from being produced each year.

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Travelers do not have to worry about the airline’s move. They will not have to travel without water in the flight. In fact, all these things will be available in the flight, just now it will be given in a slightly different style. For example – instead of a plastic packet of sauce it will be given to the passengers in a recyclable plate or bowl. About three million plastic cups are used every year by the airlines.

Applied in domestic flights

The airline has started this initiative to serve coffee in plants made in domestic flights. Air New Zealand had produced 3.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2018. This is a great step towards reducing carbon emissions.

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