Scientist warn of Polar Bear extinction by 2100 if global warming left unchecked


Scientists say that by 2100, polar bears could be extinct. Apart from this, scientists have also found out where and how they will be extinct. If green house emissions are not curbed quickly, only a few polar polar bears will remain in the Arctic.

Scientists are firm that by 2040, polar bears will be unable to breed. Due to which their species will reach on the verge of extinction. A study published in Natural Climate Change describes how animals will be affected by changes in the environment, how these beginnings will be seen in symptoms.

If similar emissions continue until the end of the century, polar bears will only survive on Queen Elizabeth Islands, which is in the Arctic Islands of Canada.

Scientists say that now we have reached a situation where we cannot go back. If the effects of global warming also diminish, polar bears in the Arctic will be unable to breed by 2080.

There are currently 26,000 polar bears of 19 species in the world. Which extends from Norway to Canada and Siberia. Bears rely on ice to find food, catch fish in ice pits, sometimes they take hours or several days for this.

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Recently, pictures of Polar Bear becoming a skeleton troubled by hunger went viral on social media. After which people came to know about this problem of theirs. Sea ice is melting due to global warming, this is one of the biggest reasons behind the decreasing number of polar bears.

Researchers claim that this decline in reproduction is similar to what they had predicted. However, bears have a habit of starving for months. But there will come a time, when they do not get food for a long time, then they will not be able to breed.

For the study, the researchers studied 13 of the 19 species of polar bear, which constitute 80 percent of their total population.

If emissions could not be controlled, by 2040, Canada’s Hudson Bay and Davis Strait’s bears would no longer be able to produce offsprings. By 2080, Alaskan and Russian bears will begin to face similar problems. By 2100, the polar bear population in the whole world may be over, extinct.

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