
Dehradun Nagar Nigam employees go on indefinite strike

Demanding the seventh pay scale, all the municipal corporation employees in Dehradun have gone on an indefinite strike. Due to the strike, not only the cleaning system in the city has completely halted, but also the entire work of the corporation, including the house tax, land section and street lights, issuance of birth-death certificate has also come to a stop. The employees say that the corporation will remain closed till the rule regarding 7th pay commission is issued.

Regardless of the order, the municipal workers have also gone on strike against the government after not receiving the seventh pay scale. In the first phase, employees of Dehradun Municipal Corporation announced the indefinite strike. The employees had given the government time till November 20, but due to not issuing orders till Monday night, they kept the decision of the strike firm.

Akhil Bharti Safari Mazdoor Sangh, Municipal Corporation, Dehradun Branch President Rajesh Kumar and General Secretary Dheeraj Bharti said that the government had ordered the seventh pay scale on October 16 before Deepawali on the demand of the workers. But, till now the municipal staff has not got the benefit of the pay scale. All the departments of the state have issued the seventh pay scale order for their employees, but the municipal body is cutting down the order despite an adequate budget. Employees had sent a letter to the Chief Minister demanding pay scale. But, the government did not take any notice on their demand.

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