
Google invites videos for “India in a Day”

Google teams up with filmmakers Ridley Scott, Richie Mehta & Anurag Kashyap to call out the director in you

Calling all amateur filmmakers across India: Here’s your chance to capture a slice of your life that could end up on the big screen.

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Google said on October 1 it is teaming up with filmmakers Ridley Scott, Richie Mehta and Anurag Kashyap to create a full-length user-generated movie called “India in a Day.” The company invited anyone with a camera or phone to film scenes on Oct. 10 and upload their footage to their website https://indiainaday.withgoogle.com.

Selected clips will be made into a movie scheduled to be released next year that will be directed by Mehta. Anyone whose footage is included will be listed as “co-director,” a press release from Google Inc. said.

Scott, who will serve as an executive producer with Kashyap, said it did not matter how small or personal the footage was — from riding a bike to calling your mum. “It just simply needs to bear witness to what life is like in today’s India — that’s magical enough,” he said.

Ridley Scott, in a call out to potential participants says – “India in a Day offers a unique opportunity for anyone and everyone across India to grab a camera or a phone and get out there and capture something. It doesn’t matter how small or personal it is – from riding a bike to calling your mum. It just simply needs to bear witness to what life is like in today’s India – that’s magical enough.”

Richie Mehta Mehta, a Canadian filmmaker who directed “I’ll Follow You Down,” said “This project is so personal to me, as I believe film is a perfect way to showcase what makes India so extraordinary. I hope people take this opportunity to be honest, fun, and revealing. To dispel the myths of India – or confirm their truths. It will be a thrill to discover.”
Anurag Kashyap adds – “We want to tell the story of India in a single day, and we want you to help. You can grab your camera and capture anything and everything around you. Film anything. But most of all, make it personal. Make it your point of view. Tell us what you love, what you hate, what worries you, what you hope for, what you want to change.”

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