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56 year old spends 100 days underwater in the Atlantic; know effects on body

A professor who spent 100 days doing research underwater finally resurfaced this weekend. On May 13, Joseph Dituri was acknowledged by Guinness World Records for the longest time spent in a fixed habitat under water. At that time, Dituri aka “Dr Deep Sea” had remained underwater for 74 days. After re-emerging on Friday, Dituri broke his own record. Retired naval officer Joseph Dituri was asked to remain underwater for more than three months as a requirement of a pioneering study. Scientists wanted to know what effect living under water in a pressurized environment has on the human body. Scientists were surprised to learn that when Dituri came out of his compact pod after staying in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean for three months, his body had become 10 years younger biologically. After medical evaluation, it was discovered that Dituri’s telomeres, the DNA caps at the ends of chromosomes that normally shrink with age, had become 20 percent longer than three months earlier.

Furthermore, his stem cell count had also increased, leading to a remarkable change in his overall health. Dituri also experienced an increase in sleep quality. Their cholesterol levels dropped 72 points, and their inflammatory markers halved. Doctors said that these changes were caused by underwater pressure, which is known to have many beneficial effects on the body. Dituri, meanwhile, was consuming a lean protein diet – fish and eggs (cooked in the microwave) – and getting enough sleep. He also got a break from his underwater habitat through daily scuba trips.

Let us tell you that the previous world record of staying under water was 73 days, which has been broken by Dituri. After resurfacing, the doctors did some tests on his body and there has been a significant change in his entire health metrics. Apart from this, his sleep improved by 60 to 66 percent. Cholesterol levels dropped by 72 percent and their swelling and bruising was almost halved.

How does the body work underwater pressure?

Doctors said that underwater pressure caused such rapid changes and had positive effects on the body. Dituri’s research sought to understand how the human body reacts to long-term stressful environments. Research has revealed that it improves brain health, which makes a person feel better. Apart from this, metabolism also improved and his weight reduced rapidly.

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