Your walking speed may determine when you will die


It is often seen that with aging, the physical activity of a person also starts to be affected. Researchers claim to find out the reason behind this by studying the movement of 45-year-old people. Researchers said that after the age of 45, the pace of walking along with other physical activities of people gets affected because the speed of walking is related to our brain. If our gait is affected then it means that our brain is aging.

Researchers for this study also included researchers from Duke University in the US. During the study, researchers found that the lungs, teeth, and immune system (immune system) of slow-moving people were also weaker than those of fast-moving people. According to a study published in a journal called JAMA Network Open, older patients usually have to contend with such problems. But it is worrying to be surrounded by such problems at an early age.

Can be forecasted

Researchers said that through neurocognitive testing, it can be found out which people may have reduced walking speed in the future. He said that a person’s IQ level, ability to understand and tolerate language, motor skills and emotional control can be studied to find out what his walking speed will be at the age of 45.

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Fear of premature death

Senior author of the study and Duke University researcher Terrie E. Moffitt said, “Doctors know that people who walk at a slower pace die faster than those who walk at a faster pace.” But the study claimed that if a person moves slowly from birth to puberty and if it is in their habit, then there is a greater possibility that their death may occur prematurely.

This makes an impact on speed

For this study, researchers examined the data of approximately 1,000 people born over the course of a year in Dunedin, New Zealand, and tested 904 participants who were 45 years of age. During this period, physical-mental changes in his life were analyzed. Researchers said the study showed that slow-moving people have lower brain mass and the thickness of the main cortical is also lower on average, which affects their walking speed.

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