
Cold breaks 40 year old record in Haridwar

The cold on Thursday in Haridwar broke the record for the last 40 years. After 40 years in December, the minimum temperature has been recorded at 2 degrees Celsius. Although in Haridwar, sometimes the minimum temperature is recorded at two degrees Celsius in January, but this time the minimum mercury reached two degrees Celsius in December.

At the same time, the maximum temperature also dropped to nine degrees Celsius at one o’clock on Thursday afternoon. However, before this, the maximum temperature was recorded at 12 ° C at 11 am. Due to the cold, people were forced to be in their homes. At the same time, people going to work were seen shivering in the cold. Customers were absent from the markets. Customers of only those selling warm clothes and equipment appeared in the market.

Due to snowfall in the mountains, there is more effect of cold winter in Haridwar. The sun has not shone brightly in Haridwar for two days. The difference in temperature during day and night decreases, so the effect of cold becomes greater. In December, the day temperature has increased due to freezing. The winter outbreak will continue in the season until the sun shines. Constant cold is also causing frost in the night. The same condition last Wednesday and Thursday. Meteorologists say that the weather is expected to remain this way for the next several days. After 40 years, this type of weather is seen in Haridwar at the end of December.

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