
Passengers burnt after bus comes in contact with high tension wire in Roorkee

In an unfortunate accident on Tuesday a bus caught fire and 20 people aboard were burnt due to the bus coming in contact with a high tension electric line. The condition of three of victims remained fragile. Given the case negligence, the deputy engineer of the energy corporation has been suspended. Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat took cognizance of the incident and ordered a high level inquiry.

The incident is near Kaliyar area of Roorkee. More than 100 workers of Haljaura, Inayatpur, Belki Masai and Ibrahimpur village work in a factory located in SIDCUL. These workers come from the factory via bus every day. On Tuesday, 53 workers were on the bus and were going to the factory.
At five o’clock in the morning when the bus reached between Ibrahimpur  and Haddiwala village, it came in the grip of hightension wires hanging along the side of the road. The wire broke down, but the bus started to go up in flames with the current spreading in the bus. Some workers jumped out the glass of the bus. People from nearby villages also reached the spot and took the people out of the bus. The injured were transported from private vehicles to Roorkee Civil Hospital. Given the serious situation of a young woman and two youths, they were referred to the Higher Center.

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