HaridwarIndiauttarakhand news

Patanjali Ayurved launches ‘Coronil’ to fight Covid-19

Yog Guru Baba Ramdev today launched ‘Coronil’ kit containing Divya Coronil tablets which is claimed to be the first Ayurvedic medicine to treat corona infection Covid-19.

Baba Ramdev held a press conference in Haridwar today to explain in detail about this Ayurvedic medicine. In which Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev and Acharya Balakrishna’s Patanjali announced the results of clinical trial of Ayurveda drug ‘Divya Coronil Tablet’ on corona infected patients.

Patanjali Yogpeeth has claimed that this research on corona tablets is the result of joint efforts of Patanjali Research Institute Haridwar and National Institute of Medical Science Jaipur. ‘Divya Coronil Tablet’ is being manufactured at Patanjali Ayurveda Limited Haridwar.

The Coronil kit can be taken from Patanjali’s store in the next seven days

The Patanjali Company said that the medicine was developed after extensive research. The drug has a hundred percent recovery rate and a zero percent death rate as per the company. The company said that ‘Even though people question this claim right now, we have followed all the scientific rules. We have answers to every question’.

Ramdev said that only indigenous ingredients have been used in this medicine, including mulethi, Giloy, Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Sanshari. The medicine will be available in Patanjali’s store in the next seven days, in addition an Ordernil mobile app will be launched on Monday, from which this medicine will be delivered door-to-door. Baba Ramdev claimed that 69 percent of the patients were recovered within three days of taking Coronil. Baba Ramdev launched three medicines of corona virus at the press conference. They have to be used together.

The medicine was tested on 100 people. They are all in the age group of 15 to 65. Second trial will be done on critical patients soon. Adding three to five drops of Anusanasika oil to the nose eliminates the effect of corona in the respiratory tract as per the company. Baba Ramdev claimed that this medicine also controls blood pressure, heart beat and pulse. This medicine strengthens the respiratory system.

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