CBSE reveals marking criteria for class XII Board results 2021

During the hearing in the Supreme Court, CBSE introduced the evaluation criteria to pass the 12th class students. Attorney General KK Venugopal told on behalf of the Central Government in the Supreme Court that on what basis the 12th students will be passed in Boards 2021. Attorney General Venugopal told the court that for class 10th 5 subjects have been taken and the average of the best of the three has been taken. There are practicals for class 12th students. We will take 30 percent from 10th, 30 percent from 11th and 40 percent from 12th and the average of all will be taken out and marks will be given to the students accordingly.
Marks weightage by CBSE
CBSE told the Supreme Court during the hearing that 30 percent on the basis of 3 top subjects of 10th, 30 percent on the basis of 11th and 40 percent on the basis of unit test of class 12th etc. will be given to 12th students. The 12th result will be announced by 31 July 2021.
The committee was constituted by CBSE on 4th June
On June 4, 2021, CBSE had constituted a 13-member committee to decide the evaluation criteria. The committee was given ten days to decide the 12th evaluation policy. The Supreme Court had given two weeks to the Central Government and CBSE to decide the evaluation criteria.
CBSE 12th Class Result Formula
Class 12th – Marks will be given on the basis of performance in Unit Test, Mid Term and Pre-Board Exam. Its weightage will be 40 percent.
Class 11th – Marks will be given on the basis of performance of theory paper of all subjects in the final exam. Its weightage will be 30 percent.
Class 10th – Marks will be given on the basis of the performance of theory paper of three subjects out of the main 5 subjects. Three out of five subjects will be those in which the student has performed best. Its weightage will also be 30 percent.
Attorney General KK Venugopal, appearing for the government and CBSE, told the court that each school will have to constitute a results committee to consider the marks obtained by the students in all the three examinations, which will be examined by the moderation committee of CBSE.