
Government of India tests ‘Emergency Alert’ notification for mobile users

The government on Tuesday tested the ‘Emergency Alert System’ by sending a sample message to many Android and iOS users. Users across the country received notifications with the words “Emergency Alert: Extreme” accompanied by loud beeps and flashes.


It was written in the flash message, ‘This message is a sample testing message sent by the Department of Telecommunications of India through Cell Broadcasting System. Please ignore this message as it does not require any action from your end. This message has been sent to check the All India Emergency Alert System being implemented by the National Disaster Management Authority. The purpose of this system is to increase public safety and provide timely alerts during emergencies. It was sent by the Department of Telecommunications through Cell Broadcasting System to all Android and iOS phones at 11:30 am.’

The government is working with the National Disaster Management Authority to improve preparedness to deal with disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and flash floods. Mobile users across the country had received similar test alerts in July, August and September.

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