Online reservation booking for trains to be affected for two days

If you are going to make reservations in the train, then be cautious. There will be some difficulty in the online reservation system on Saturdays and Sundays. Indian Railways has said in this regard that the inquiry service of the railway reservation system will be temporarily closed for 1 hour 45 minutes at midnight on May 6 for 1 hour and 10 minutes on May 6.
Normal electrical maintenance is to be done in Northern Railway’s passenger reservation system IRCA. For this purpose, the passenger reservation system will be temporarily closed for 1 hour and 10 minutes from 05.15 am to 06.25 am on 1 hour 45 minutes from 10.30 am to 12.15 pm on the night of 5th and 6th May 2018 .
As a result, the railways booking will be closed for Northern Railway, North Central Railway and North Eastern Railway during this period. In the meantime, 139 Inquiry Services and National Train Inquiry System (NTES) service will be available.
This announcement has been done by the Railways at a time when people are preparing to go home for summer vacations. In this season the lines of people on the Reservation Center are long. However, people who booked tickets on reservation counters will not face any problem. Because the reservation center opens at 8 a.m. At the same time, people who make online reservations will not be able to get tickets during this time.
Earlier, Indian Railways had announced the ‘Computerized Jan Reservation System’ (PRS) for Delhi for 6 hours on last Wednesday night. It was stated that in order to upgrade the Delhi system, the PRS inquiry was closed on May 2 from 10.45 am to 3 am on the morning of 5 May. In the meantime, the inquiry service related to Delhi PRS on Helpline number 139 was also closed.