
Removing lockdown from certain areas should not be taken as relaxing fight against covid-19

We should not forget that India had been able to control corona Virus due to imposing Lock down at correct time by our Prime Minister Hon’ble Shri Narendra Modi and prompt action been taken to segregate elderly persons and youngsters coming forward to help the authorities to implement their orders and came forward with food packets to supplement Govt. arrangements ensuring that no one sleeps hungry anywhere in the country. It could happen because all police personnel, at all levels, came on their feet to support and other departments like sanitation, cleanliness, Nursing, Doctors, assistants in hospitals devotedly stuck to their duties and many local organizations came forward to supply cooked food to number of daily wage workers who got stranded .No wonder public came forward to appreciate their devotion in fight against Covid-19, even at the cost of leaving their families and at the cost of their lives against this monster and public showered flowers and garlands on them from their balconies and by coming out on streets when they passed those areas. We should also not forget that a number of commercial houses and other concerns came forward to donate big sums to Prime Ministers relief funds which was a great timely help.

Youngsters with good health could take chance and come out with food packets for those who could not prepare food, especially daily workers who had come from other states and to ensure that no one sleeps hungry any where. For young people mental and physical exercises are equally important and have to be balanced to keep oneself fit. Yoga exercises are the best which keep all parts of the body fit and need to be adopted by all and every day to keep them fit to undertake such projects.

Some must be wondering as to why segregation was made between young and elderly when they all work together. It was necessary because the elderly persons would have been easy prey to Corona Virus than youngsters and as such keeping them inside houses was essential.

They say that the age between 30 and 40 is crucial for health as during this period development of various parts of the body is sudden and bring changes which if not looked into promptly can become fatal.. As such suitable precautions and regular checkups from their family physicians need to be taken during this crucial period. Once this period is over, they say, one carries on till 60 years of age without much health problems. Again they say one carries on from 60 to 69 years of age smoothly if proper laid down precautions are taken.

Studies show that 70-79 years old age is a dangerous period. During this period, various organs decline rapidly. It is a frequent period of various geriatric diseases, and it is often prone to hyperlipemia, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, and diabetes. After entering the age of 80, these diseases automatically decline, and the mental and physical health may return to the level of 60-69 years old.

Thus, the age of 70 to 79 years old is called the “dangerous age group”. As people grow older many people want to have a good healthy life. Then only they realize that “Health is Wealth” and must be maintained regularly.

When the elderly are 70 to 79 years old, they are prone to Arteriosclerosis, Hypertension, and Diabetes. After entering the age of 80, these diseases automatically decline, and the mental and physical health may return to the level of 60-69 years old.

Thus, the age of 70 to 79 years old is called the “dangerous age group”. As people grow older many people want to have a good healthy life. Then only they realize that “Health is Wealth” and must be maintained regularly as per Doctors advise or doing Yoga with easy exercises.

It was a very wise decision of the Govt. which has helped in controlling the spread of Corona Virus. Even if the restrictions are relaxed we must follow the social distance and put on mask when we come out. The restriction of washing hands every time when we return home from outside and getting one self sensitized before leaving. We hope that with these limitations we would be able to help fighting covid-19 whatever relaxation are made.

Author: Brig K.G.Behl(Retd)

President AICC & Sanyukta Nagrik Sangthan Uttarakhand

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