
6600 km of cables being laid underwater from France to US for high speed internet

American Internet Company Google and UK’s Orange Communications are working to lay high-speed internet cables within the sea from France to the US. The 6,600 km line will be functional by 2020. This cable line will provide 30 terabytes of Internet speed, which will benefit many countries.

The cable, which starts from the Atlantic coast of France, will be named after the Nobel Prize winner Henry Dunant. He was the founder of the International Organization Red Cross. Google and Orange Communications Company were preparing for it for several months. Now they have started working on this. This is the first submarine cable between US-France in the past 15 years. However, Google and Orange did not officially tell what the capability of the cable would be and how they would allocate it.

This project of cabling inside the sea is completely pivate between Google and Orange. Google has already laid three cables in the sea, named alpha, beta and curie. The alpha and beta shorter, but the curie is a long distance cable.

‘Curie’ cable extends from Chile to the US. This name is on the famous French physicist Mary Curie, who won the Nobel Prize. Its operation is scheduled to start in 2019. After this, Google will become the first non-telecommunications company to launch intercontinental cable.

Cloud Business will benefit

Google said that they are working in the area of ​​putting personal cable for high data speed and high capacity. Companies and consumers working in the Cloud Business will benefit from this. The landing point of this cable will be Belgian and North Virginia Data Center.

Current Internet dependent on under sea cables

Orange Chairman and CEO Stephen Richard said: “The role of Submarine cable is often overlooked, while the current digital world is dependent on it. I am proud of this project that connects America and France”.

Google will lay cables in seven other countries and places in the coming years. These include Hong Kong, Guam, Australia, Ireland, Denmark and California.

The longest cable started 18 years ago

The 39,000-km optical submarine cable is by far the longest, its work was completed in 2000. It connects Southeast Asia, Middle East and Western Europe. The cable operated by France and China-led cable is administered by Singapore’s SingTel. This cable benefits many countries in the form of telecommunications and internet service.

Work was started 25 years ago

To get telecommunications and internet service, the work of putting the cable inside the ocean was started 25 years ago. By the year 2014, 285 cables had been set up in the sea, 22 of them have not been used so far. These are called ‘dark cables’.

Many times better than satellite

-Submarine Communication is not only economical as compared to Cable Satellite, but the Internet data speed that gets it is fast multiplied.

– 99 percent of Internet transmission is done through underwater cables. If the total length of all cables is measured, then it will be in millions of kilometers.

The first intercontinental cable was laid inside the sea in -1854. That was the telegraph cable that sent the message. Four years later, the first message was sent.

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