
Edward Snowden launches anti-snooping app ‘Haven’

Edward Snowden, former National Security Agency contractor, known for his explosive disclosure of the US government’s citizen surveillance, has come up with an intuitive smartphone app dubbed as Haven that promises to offer ultimate surveillance security from physical espionage.

Haven is created by Snowden in collaboration with open-source global security app developers, Freedom of Press Foundation and the Guardian Project with prime focus of protecting human rights activists, investigative journalists and people at risk of forced disappearance to create a new kind of herd immunity, the project team said.

Haven app: Turn your android device into your personal surveillance device

Designed to be installed on a cheap Android device. Haven uses the phone’s cameras, microphones and even accelerometers to monitor for any motion, sound or disturbance of the phone. “Now you can take this huge aggregation of sensors available on any phone today—accelerometers, light sensors, cameras, microphones—and make it work for you and only you,” says Snowden.

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