
Google Assistant beats Alexa and Siri in competition

You have often seen debate competitions between people. Currently science has come so far that such competitions have started in Artificial Intelligence. Recently, Google has won the digital war between Google, Apple and Amazon. Google’s AI Google Assistant has defeated Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri. Google Assistant gave the most correct answers to the questions asked on the smartphone. Research company Loop Ventures found in its annual trial that Google Assistant understood almost every question and gave 92.9 percent correct answers.

The team of researchers asked 800 questions from the most popular digital assistants – Google Assistant, Alexa and Siri. Google Assistant gave about 93 percent correct answers, while Siri gave 83 percent and Alexa gave 80 percent correct answers. This test was taken in five categories. In which Siri was ahead of Google Assistant in the command category. Siri proved to be more effective in phone related tasks like calling, texting, email etc. A similar competition was organized in July 2018. During this period, Google Assistant gave 86 per cent, Siri 79 per cent and Alexa 61 per cent correct answers.

Test taken on smart phone

The research team reported that the test was taken on a smart phone instead of a smart speaker. Researchers point out that digital assistants are typically used in noisy environments. The same atmosphere was kept in the test. However, Microsoft’s Cortana was not included in this test.

Test taken in these versions

This test included Siri used on iOS 12.4, Google Assistant running on Android 9P and Alexa used on iOS app, with Google Assistant emerging as the winner. Talking to understand the questions, Google Assistant understood all 800 questions correctly, while Siri got two questions wrong and Alexa got only one wrong.

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