
Google to provide AI based weather alerts for more accuracy

Google is trying to improve its technology day by day. Recently, Google, which is making headlines with accurate identification of fatal disease like cancer, is now preparing to bring another technology. The company has claimed that you will be given accurate information about the weather 6 hours in advance. For this, all research has proved very promising so far.

Accurate alerts are received with the help of AI

Recently Google shared new research in a blog post for this week. According to this research, Google’s Artificial Intelligence is proving very accurate in forecasting the weather with the help of machine learning. Researchers told how they had predicted rain due in 6 hours after calculating only for a few minutes. Which later turned out to be very accurate and correct. Experts related to the case say that soon Google is also going to step into the field of weather forecast. However, the company has not yet included it in the existing Google services. But soon the service related to it can be released all over the world. The company will also launch this service at commercial level. Information related to the weather can give tremendous benefit to sectors like agriculture.

Why there is a delay in the current weather forecast?

Google officials say that in the current circumstances, the data received from satellite is processed with the help of supercomputers. All the process gets delayed till the completion of phase and information. Google says that the company is able to remove all complex processes and give accurate information based on the data found in the existing radar. The forecasting done so far has proved to be completely accurate.

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