Tehriuttarakhand news

Blood sample delivered via drone in Tehri

A drone service has been proposed to transport the blood sample for examination of the patients coming to the primary health centers to clinic of the district hospital. On Thursday, the CD Space Company has shown a demo for sending a blood sample from the drone under the pilot project, in which, from the PHC Nandprayag, the drone blood sample reached the district hospital about 32 km in just 18 minutes.

For the help of patients, the CD space robotics company has proposed to send the blood and urine etc. samples of patients coming to PHC-CHC for a sample examination, so that patients from far-flung areas will not have to go to the district hospital. The students of IIT Kanpur have also shown the demo on Thursday.

As a trial, a drone carrying blood sample from Nandgaon PHC, reached the district hospital about 32 km away in 18 minutes. On this occasion Dr. Sushil, STS Surendra Thalwal and Mukesh were present. At the same time, DM Sonika says that the company itself has shown the demo of the drone. They have proposed to add it to tele-medicine service. Only after checking all the aspects can something be said.

Drone has been developed in India

Nikhil Upadhyay, a graduate drone team leader from IIT Kanpur told that this drone has been developed in India itself. This is the first demo of its kind in the country, in the district hospital Buraidi. The cost of a drone is 10 to 12 lakh. It can be easily take off and land anywhere. He told that the air range of the drone is 50 km. This drone operated by electric power can take up to 400 grams load. Two people are required to operate this.

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