Corona test mandatory for flight passengers in Uttarakhand


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Every person coming to Uttarakhand via flight from different states will be compulsorily tested at the airport. At the same time, whoever comes from Covid’s sensitive category cities will be tested on the state boundaries.

On Wednesday, Chief Secretary Omprakash gave these instructions to the nodal officers posted at Jolly Grant and Pantnagar Airport. It is said that after the corona test, all the people are being institutionalized quarantined. However, relief has been provided to older persons, pregnant women and children below ten years. They will remain home quarantined.

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He instructed all district collectors to strictly follow the guidelines. There are cities all over the country in terms of Covid. It is mandatory for the people coming from there to register on the website and they will be tested at the borders of the state. The District Magistrate will get such persons tested on getting suspicious symptoms. He said that no one should face any problem in the movement within the state.

The Chief Secretary asked the operators of gym and yoga centers to strictly follow the guide line. Along with regular cleanliness at these places, sanitization is also necessary. He said that the decision will be taken only after further status on the lockdown next Saturday and Sunday.

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