Lok Sabha Elections 2024: BJP wins all 5 seats in Uttarakhand


BJP scored a hat-trick of victory for the third time in a row on all five Lok Sabha seats in Uttarakhand, but somewhere it is also feeling the pain of losing votes. The party had set a target of getting more than 75 percent votes, but it got five percent less votes compared to the last election.

When the BJP leadership sits down to brainstorm the election results and brainstorms closely assembly-wise, it will come to know about its weaknesses, due to which its support base decreased. Before entering the electoral battle, the party had set a target of getting more than 75 percent votes on all five parliamentary seats. In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, BJP got 61.87 percent votes and Congress was reduced to 31.74 percent.

Votes decreased by five percent compared to the 2019 elections

According to the data received from the Election Commission till around 10 pm on Monday night, the BJP got a total of 27,06,910 votes and its vote percentage was 56.81. Congress got 15,64,258 votes and its vote percentage was 32.83. Votes decreased by five percent compared to the 2019 elections.

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On comparing Lok Sabha constituencies, it also came to light that in 2019, BJP had got more than 67 percent votes on the Garhwal seat, in 2024 it remained at 58.41 percent. BJP’s biggest victory was in Tehri (53.66 per cent compared to 64.3 per cent), Haridwar (50.19 per cent compared to 52.28 per cent), Nainital, but here the party could get only 61.03 per cent votes compared to 61.24 per cent in 2019.

However, this was the only seat where BJP remained very close to its previous performance. In 2019, BJP got 63.54 per cent votes in Almora Lok Sabha seat, but in 2024 the party was reduced to 58.41 per cent. Overall, BJP had to suffer vote percent loss in every seat compared to the last election.

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