Uttarakhand government to distribute ivermectin tablets to every household in the state


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For the prevention of corona infection, the government of Uttarakhand will now give ivermectin tablets to each family in the state. Its order has been issued by Chief Secretary Om Prakash. The government says that those above 15 years of age can be given this medicine for three days.

As per the government, just like vaccination, this drug will be used in the state for the prevention of infection. According to the order issued by the Chief Secretary, the kit will be prepared for each family and the kit will be delivered to each family through self-help groups. For this, one rupee per kit will be given to NGOs. It was informed that this step has been taken only after getting the green signal from the state level technical advisory committee.


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Medicine will be distributed under a campaign

The ivermectin drug will be divided as a campaign. Cooperation of Gram Panchayat to Anganwadi Worker, Village Development Officer, Gram Panchayat Officer and others will be taken in it.

Goa is also taking this step

Earlier, the Goa government has decided to give ivercomctin medicine to each family for five days. A Goa minister also gave this information by tweeting and citing studies done in Italy, Spain etc., saying that this drug has proved to be effective in Corona. Ivermectin is basically a drug to eliminate parasites such as round worms in animals.

World Health Organization has expressed objection

Just as Remdesivir has not been considered a life-saving drug, the World Health Organization has also cautioned against the use of ivermectin. Despite this, the states are allowing the use of this medicine on a wider scale. The reason is also that both types of research have emerged on medicine.

This will be dose

– For above 15 year age – one tablet of 12 mg in the morning and one tablet in the evening for three days after eating food. Accordingly, the kit would contain six tablets for one person.
– For children of 10 to 15 years, one tablet of 12 mg every day after eating food in a day.
– Children between two and ten years of age will be given medicine only on the advice of the doctor.
– Children below the age of two years, pregnant women, lactating women and people suffering from liver disease will not be given this medicine.

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