Chamoliuttarakhand news

Valley of Flowers closed for tourists for 2023 season

The World Heritage Valley of Flowers has been closed for tourists today on Tuesday for the 2023 season. This year 13,161 domestic and foreign tourists visited the valley. Forest Range Officer of Valley of Flowers, said that now the valley will be opened for tourists next year.

Weather hindrance impact

This year, due to heavy rains, frequent closure of Badrinath Highway and interruption of travel due to weather, tourists turned to the valley less. The result was that this year about seven thousand less tourists arrived than last year.

More than 300 species of flowers bloom

The peak time of the valley is considered to be the months of July and August. During this period, around 300 species of flowers bloom here. During this time, most tourists also reach the valley. Many flowers bloom here mainly including Brahmakamal, Fankamal, Bluepoppy, Marigold, Marigold, Golden Rod, Jasmine, Rowan, Helmet Plover, Golden Lily.

Many types of wildlife are seen

Along with this, rare species of wild animals like snow leopard, Himalayan black bear, monal, wild cat, musk deer etc. are also found in this region.

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