Pithoragarhuttarakhand news

Water supply disrupted in Kumaon region due to rains

Pithoragarh: It is rather ironical that while there is plenty of water falling from the heavens, the residents of Kumaon region are reeling due to the shortage of it. According to reports, swollen rivulets in the Johar, Darma and Byans valleys of Pithoragarh district have damaged roads and track routes, affecting movement of people from higher valleys to lower areas and forcing the government to evacuate them by helicopters. In lower valleys, rains have disrupted drinking water and electricity supply.

Power plants also shut

Heavy rainfalls have resulted in swelling up of rivers, the extra water means more silt is being carried by the rivers which could spell doom for the generators, resulting in shutting down of power plants.

Almora town is facing a drinking water crisis as pumps used for lifting water from the Koshi river have got clogged due to silt.

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