
4 dead in California food fest shoot out

Four people, including the suspect, have died in firing during the Sunday Food Festival in California, USA. Police said that the attacker has been killed, while three people have been killed in the firing and 15 people are injured.

According to the report, it was one of the biggest food festivals in the country. It is organized approximately 48 kilometers from the southeast of San Jose. At least 15 people were injured in this shooting. The injured have been taken out and admitted to the hospital.

The news agency quoted the woman named Julissa, who was present on the spot, that the attacker was around 30 years old, who carried out the firing incident with his rifle. According to Julissa, the attacker was firing in every direction. He was not targeting any one. He was shooting from left to right and right to right.

America is the only country where openly gun culture is alive. There is an incident frequently in the United States. Almost every home and everybody has a weapon of arms. With the independence of the United States, gun culture started. Now a person could have a gun in his house and roam with a gun in the market. This is the reason that hundreds of families are victims of gun culture every day in America.

According to a report, more than 20 firing incidents have taken place in the US so far this year. These events have become commonplace from Georgia to California, from school to college to university.

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