7000 year old underwater stone road discovered off coast of Croatia


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Roads and tunnels under water have become common in modern times. But finding a road underwater which could be thousands of years old could unravel many clues about ancient civilizations. Recently, a road has been found at some distance from the sea coast of southern Croatia and they have said that it was built not 70-80 years ago but 7000 years ago. This road has been discovered in the Adriatic Sea of the Mediterranean.

What’s in the report?

According to the report, this road has been discovered about 4 to 5 meters below sea level in the Adriatic Sea off the coast of southern Croatia. It is believed that this road may be connected to the prehistoric settlement of the Hvar culture, on the Croatian island. This road is made of stone slabs, which are four meters wide. It must have been used for transportation. But the surprising thing is how the remains of this road were left inside the sea. Scientists believe that at this place where the road has been found, the effect of waves is very less and there are many islands nearby. Due to this, this road and its remains were easily found by the researchers.

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The road is 7000 thousand old

Researchers from the Zadar Croatia University shared a post on their Facebook saying that carbon dating and archeology campaigns have shown that there was a settlement about 4,900 years before Christ and that people had been walking on these roads about 7000 years ago.

This settlement is believed to be part of the Neolithic period

Scientists said in their research that its construction could be the result of the people of the Neolithic Hvar culture. The people of this culture were farmers and herders. They lived in small, isolated communities along the coast and on nearby islands. Soline is one of the largest and best preserved Havar culture sites in the region.

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