Alert sounded after bubonic plague case crops up in Bayannur city of China


A care of Bubonic plague has stirred up in the city of Baynnur in northern China. Authorities have issued a level 3 warning warning after a case of bubonic plague surfaced. There has been a suspected case of bubonic plague in the city of Banyanur, located in the Mongolia Autonomous Region. Level three level warnings have been issued throughout the city to prevent further spread of disease. Significantly, bubonic plague is the main culprit behind the most deadliest pandemic seen by mankind- ‘Black Death‘. An estimated 75 million to 200 million people lost their lives due to this plague.

This level of warning may continue until the end of 2020, according to a report by the Chinese state-run People’s Daily Online. The person infected with the plague is kept separate and his condition is stable. Bubonic plague is caused by bacteria infection and can be fatal. However, antibiotics exist for this.

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It is not yet clear how the person got infected with the plague. Following Level 3 warnings, the eating of animals associated with the plague is banned. Also, people are asked to report immediately when symptoms of the plague occur. Bubonic plague infections occur frequently throughout the world. In the year 2017, there were more than 300 cases of bubonic plague in Madagascar.

Symptoms of bubonic plague

In May last year, two people died due to bubonic plague in Mongolia. These people ate raw meat. The virus is transmitted to humans through mice and squirrels. Due to bubonic plague, a person suddenly has fever, headache, chills and weakness. Swelling occurs in one or several places in the body. There is pain in lymph nodes.

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