Canadian 10 dollar note wins ‘Best Note of the year 2018’ award

A Canadian note has been awarded ‘Best Note of the Year Award 2018’. The special feature of this note is that it is the world’s first vertical note. This note, awarded by the International Bank Notes Society, is worth $ 10. This note has been given this award due to publishing a picture of social activist Viola Desmond who fought for civil rights.
This purple colored note was released in November 2018. On the back of this note, a picture of Canada’s Human Rights Museum has been published. There is coating of polymers on this note. This is bigger than its American counterpart.
Desmond’s picture was kept on this note because she had challenged racial segregation in 1946 and struggled for the rights of black women.
Around 15 countries like Switzerland, Norway and Russia participated in this international competition for awarding the note, but India did not participate in it. Although India has been involved in this competition earlier. The International Bank Sociology, organized in 1961, has been organizing this event every year.
How the best bank note of the year chosen?
Three parameters are checked while awarding best bank note of the year title:
- First design
- Second color quality
- Third, safety measures in it