Corona case surfaces after 102 days in New Zealand, level 3 lockdown in Auckland


According to the Ministry of Health in New Zealand, a new case of COVID-19 was reported on Tuesday. All managed quarantine facilities are in place. Director General of Health Ashley Bloomfield said in a press conference that Tuesday’s case was one of 20 people arriving in New Zealand on July 30 from Melbourne in Australia.

Bloomfield stated, “He was in managed isolation in the Grand Millennium and was found to be COVID-19 negative in three days of his stay. This case has brought New Zealand’s total number of COVID-19 cases to 1,220.” He said that none of those are in hospital-level care. Bloomfield thanked the front-line services that continue to provide health services in challenging conditions. He said the Ministry of Health was planning a COVID-19 vaccination program for them.

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A 102-day corona infection case occurred in New Zealand for the first time. Four people from the same family have been found infected. The New Zealand government had made a four-step plan to deal with the situation in Corona. Not only this, when the situation of Covid-19 improved in the country, a strategy was also prepared to bring the economy back on track.

Not travel history cause of worry

The case is of Auckland. There is no recent travel history of anyone found positive. All people who come in contact with them have been asked to be isolate. According to the rules, now that entire area will be declared as a Containment Zone. Also, there will be three days of lockdown throughout Auckland. During this time, only government employees will be able to come or go anywhere. Home delivery of essential goods will be done.

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