Corona cases rise again even in countries with high vaccination numbers


Corona cases have again started increasing worldwide. On the previous day, the corona report of 5,08,152 people in the world came positive. During this, 4,07,867 people defeated the virus while 8,102 people succumbed to infection. The number of new infected is the highest in the last 45 days. Earlier on May 29, the corona report of 5.01 lakh people came positive.

Meanwhile, in America too, the cases of corona have gained momentum amid heavy vaccination percentages. The infection was confirmed in 28,923 people here on Tuesday. This figure is the highest in the last 56 days. Earlier on May 21, corona was confirmed in 29,200 people.

Delta variant increases trouble in America

About 49% of the US population has been fully vaccinated, while 77% of the population has received at least one dose. Even after this, corona cases have started increasing in half the states. The maximum number of new cases have been found in California, Texas, New York and Florida. The delta variant of the corona is being cited as the reason for 80% of the new cases.

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30 thousand cases daily in UK coming before unlock

More than half the population in the UK has received both doses of the corona vaccine. It was only after this that the government made preparations to relax the lockdown from July 19. But the process of new cases coming in did not stop. Last week, 410 new cases were found for every 10 lakh population. On Tuesday, 36,660 new cases were reported here, which was the highest in 5 months. In the last 7 days, more than 30 thousand new cases have been found continuously.

18.88 crore cases so far

So far more than 18.88 crore people have been infected with the corona virus in the world. Of these, 40.65 lakh people have died, while more than 17.24 crore people have defeated Corona. At present 1.21 crore people are being treated. Of these, 1.20 crore people have mild symptoms of corona and the condition of 78,809 people remains critical.

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