Corona cases surge in the US


The coronavirus pandemic continues to grow in America. On the second day, more than 60 thousand new cases have been reported. After the decline in the number of people who died of corona in America, there is a surge again. This increase has been observed for the third consecutive day. While California, Florida and Texas are becoming the new epicenter of the pandemic. In these three states, in recent times, new patients of Corona are registering a rapid increase.

60,565 new infected

According to data from the news agency Reuters, 60 thousand 565 new infections were found in the US on Thursday. This is the new record of new cases in a day. More than 800 consecutive victims died in this period. On Wednesday, 60 thousand 20 new cases were confirmed. So far, more than 32 lakh 22 thousand people have been found infected in America. Of these, 14 lakh 26 thousand have been recovered. There are about 16 lakh 60 thousand active cases. While more than one lakh 35 thousand have died.

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California, Florida, Texas becoming new epicenters

New cases are being set daily in California, Texas and Florida. Nearly ten thousand new cases are being found in these three states. Cases in Alabama, Montana and Wisconsin also saw record increase on Thursday. In 41 out of 50 US states, infection is increasing rapidly. New York state, which has been the epicenter of the pandemic in the US, is witnessing a steady decline in infections. In this region alone, more than four lakh 25 thousand people have been found infected.

Britain finishes quarantine for 70 countries

Britain has scrapped quarantine rules for around 70 countries, including France and Italy. These rules have been abolished for citizens of these countries coming to Britain from Friday. However, those coming from high-risk countries of Corona will have to undergo a 14-day quarantine. Two lakh 87 thousand cases of corona have been found in Britain, while 44 thousand 602 have died.

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