
Corona surface transmission chances 1 in 10000 claims new CDC report

The coronavirus new wave spread very fast and in a few weeks the condition of the country has deteriorated. In some states, the infection has reached alarming levels. It is believed that this time a patient is infecting about 90 percent of the people who come in contact, whereas during the first wave, this figure was about 30 percent. As the danger increases, people now want to know many questions again, such as whether the corona virus remains alive on the surface. If yes, how long is the risk of infection? Know what the experts say.

What does CDC say?

In this regard, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) believes that the disease can pass from one infected surface to another, but it is less likely. To clarify this, the CDC tells that a healthy person becomes ill on touching the place where the virus from the infected person has reached, this can only happen in 1 out of 10000 cases.

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The CDC released the study report on 5 April. During its briefing at the White House, the director of the institution, Dr. Rochelle Walensky said that although there is no denying that the infection can spread from the surface, it is less likely that it is almost as much as negligible. The corona virus is actually a virus spread through the respiratory system, which spreads through the air.

Constant modification in guideline

Since the onset of corona infection, CDC and WHO are constantly issuing new guidelines while studying about this. This is being done so that the country can change its rules accordingly and people should be cautious. It is also happening that in view of these guidelines, the rules in the country have been made more stringent or relaxed.

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