Corona’s latest variant C.1.2 might be most infectious; labelled Variant of Interest


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A new mutated variant of Coronavirus has been found in South Africa and many other countries. This variant may be more infectious and may beat the protection provided by Corona Vaccine.

Scientist’s increased concern

Scientists from the South Africa-based National Institute for Communicable Diseases and the KwaZulu Natal Research Innovation and Sequencing Platform said that the new variant C.1.2 of the corona virus, was first detected in May this year. They said that since then till August 13, this variant has been found in China, Congo, Mauritius, England, New Zealand, Portugal and Switzerland. Scientists said that one of the subtypes of the virus that emerged during the first wave of Covid-19 in South Africa mutated C.1.2 more than C.1, which has been kept in the category of ‘Variant of Interest’.

Genomes growing every month

Scientists said that C.1.2 may be more infectious and it may evade the protection provided by the corona vaccine. One study found that the genome of C.1.2 in South Africa is increasing every month. It increased from 0.2 percent in May to 1.6 percent in June and to two percent in July. It was told, ‘This is on the side of increase in beta and delta variants in the country.’

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This variant spreads fast

Scientist Rai of CSIR, Kolkata said, ‘Its transmission may be high and it is likely to spread rapidly. There are many mutations in the increased protein, due to which this disease will not be under control of immunity and if it spreads then it will become a challenge for vaccination all over the world. There are 14 mutations in more than half of the sequence of C.1.2, but additional changes were also observed in some sequences.’

More than 190 countries around the world including India are affected by Coronavirus infection. So far more than 21.64 million people in the world have been affected by COVID-19. This virus has snatched the lives of more than 45 lakh people. The cases of COVID-19 are now decreasing in India. The total number of infected has exceeded 3.27 crores. Vaccination campaign against corona is going on in India. According to the data released by the Ministry of Health on Monday, the number of corona infected in the country has increased to 3,27,37,939. In the 24 hours ended Monday (from 8 am on Sunday to 8 am on Monday), 42,909 new cases of corona have been reported. In this one day 34,763 patients have been cured. During this 380 corona infected have died. So far more than 3.19 crore patients have been cured. So far more than 4.38 lakh people have lost their lives due to Corona. The current number of corona cases is more than 3,19,000.

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