Disney to lay off 280000 theme park employees due to prolonged Corona impact


All countries around the world are currently struggling with the Corona pandemic, in which America is at the top. Meanwhile, the US entertainment giant Disney has announced layoffs of 28,000 employees working in its theme parks. Disney has said that this decision has been taken in view of the long-term effects of the coronavirus.

According to the New York Times, Disney Parks chairman Josh D’Amaro said, “It is very sad for us to do this, but businesses affected by COVID-19 as well as the obligation of the rule of social distancing, at least working with employees and the pandemic, this is the only possible option in an environment of long-term uncertainty. ” The company said it would reduce 28,000 jobs from staff working in theme parks. Significantly, prior to the Corona pandemic, the company’s theme parks in Florida and California used to have 110,000 employees, and Disney’s announcement would put the staff at 82,000.

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The corona virus pandemic has devastated the entire world’s economy. Every small and big company is getting hit by the corona impact and people are losing jobs. Meanwhile, 28,000 employees will be laid off from the entertainment giant Disney.

D’Amaro said in a statement that California currently does not see any hope of the government lifting the ban, so that Disneyland can reopen, so the decision to lay off was taken.

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