Germany to open lockdown in a phased manner


Almost all countries around the world are locked down to prevent spread of coronavirus. The situation is dangerous for the countries which did not impose lockdown to prevent virus infection. In such a situation, all are engaged in preventing this infection of virus due to lockdown. Countries which had modern treatment techniques have also been badly affected by the virus, whether it is America, Italy, Britain or Spain.

Countries that implemented lockdown several weeks ago to prevent infection are now considering opening it systematically. One of these is Germany. Germany had a complete lockdown since March 22, now it plans to gradually open the lockdown in a phased manner from April 19 to bring life back on track. For this, an action plan has been prepared by the Ministry of Home Affairs, now the lockdown will be removed here according to this plan.

Wearing face mask mandatory

Europe’s largest economy has held back its economic activity for the past several weeks. These days, too, all its energy is spent fighting the infection of the coronavirus (Covid-19). After April 19, the government has gradually planned to bring life back on track in several stages. After this date, wearing face masks in public places has been made mandatory. Apart from this, it has also been decided to ban the gathering of a crowd at one place.

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Action plan

Several measures will also be taken to rapidly identify the chain of infection. All these measures have been announced in the draft action plan prepared by the German government, which has been prepared by Germany’s Interior Ministry. The Ministry believes that these steps will make it possible to achieve the rate of infection from one person to only one person in the country. A number of restrictions have been in place in Germany since March 22, including the closure of restaurants, markets, and the disallowing of more than two people in public places. Only people from a family or living in the same house together can appear in more than two numbers.

Life will be normal gradually

The Action Plan states that life will be normalized gradually in a phased manner. It emphasizes that such a system will be working in the country that it will be possible to identify more than 80 percent people who come in contact with an infected person within a day. After this, all these people including that infected person will be quarantined either in their homes or hotels.

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