Italian town shows how lockdown and mass testing can take down coronavirus



Coronavirus has wrecked havoc across the world including Europe. Many countries in Europe have been badly affected by this. Italy has reported 86,498 of its patients positive for Covid-19 while Spain recorded 72248. While in Italy 9134 people have died, in Spain 5812 people have lost their lives due to this. Italy is the most affected by it across Europe. Talking about America, so far 105726 cases have been reported there. At the same time 1730 people have died while 2538 patients have also been cured. Talking about the whole world, a total of 622157 cases have been reported so far. 28799 people have died and 137364 patients have been cured.

Scientists from all over the world are engaged in finding the cure for this virus. The vaccine is undergoing testing in the US, but even if they succeed, it may take up to a year for the vaccine to be used world wide. In such a situation, avoiding the virus through social distancing is the only solution. It is also being publicized all over the world. In some places where it is being strictly followed, in some places people are careless about it. For this reason, the number of patients there is increasing rapidly. Its living proof is America and Italy. People in America are not following the rules of administration. Italy has a complete lockdown. Even after this, the number of patients is increasing there.

But a city in Italy has also set an example. The name of this city is Vo Euganeo. Located in northern Italy, the city falls in Padua province. The population here is a little over 3000. It resembles the beautiful city of Italy, Venice, and has come as a beacon of shining example for the world. The reason for this is that nobody here is a patient of Coronavirus today. This is because here the administration was not only fast but took concrete decisions, people were locked in their homes. They applied the mass testing formula of South Korea alongwith self isolation to keep the virus at bay in the town.

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According to, the city hit the headlines worldwide on February 21 when a person died due to coronavirus. As soon as Italy’s Ministry of Health described it as a cluster infection. After this, the administration here immediately decided to quarantine itself on 23 February.

After this, around 97 percent people living here were investigated. Never before had such a decision been taken throughout Italy. Only 0.25 percent people were infected with the corona virus in this investigation. All of them were necessarily quarantined at home on behalf of the administration. In addition, critically ill patients were immediately admitted to the hospital. Not only this, to prevent the spread of the virus, the people who were not infected with this disease were also compulsorily instructed to stay in the house and all of them were constantly being investigated. As a result the town has not reported a single new case of coronavirus since March 13.

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