Lost radioactive capsule found in Australia after 20 days


A small radioactive capsule lost 20 days ago in Australia has been found. There was a danger of burning the skin and many serious diseases by going too close to it. According to experts, the caesium chemical present in it can cause serious problems by going into human bones.

According to reports, the capsule went missing on January 12 when it was being loaded into a truck along with other capsules to be brought from a mining site. Its disappearance was not reported for two weeks. Then on January 25, as soon as the news was received, a warning was issued and the search was started.

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Found after searching in an area of 1400 km

Australia’s Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency said the capsule was discovered over a week in an area of 1,400 kilometers between Perth and the Pilbara. The truck had passed through this area. This area falls in the western part of Australia. Several nuclear experts were also sent to find the capsule.

The truck from which the capsule fell belonged to a mining company named Rio Tinto. The company has apologized for the matter. At the same time, the Chief Health Officer of Western Australia said that the loss of a radioactive capsule in this way is not a common occurrence.

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