Millions take to the street in Chile as protests grow for economic reforms

More than 1 million people took to the streets on Friday, demanding the resignation of Chilean President Sebastian Pinera and calls for economic reforms. It is being called the biggest protest ever. Violent protests have been going on here for the last one week. The president tweeted and told the protesters that he “has heard the message.” He has also described these demonstrations as positive and a means of change. Santiago Governor Karla Rubilar hailed it on Twitter as “a historic day”, praising it as “a peaceful march reflecting the new Chilean dream”. Rubilar said that more than one lakh people demonstrated across the country, while Santiago’s town hall cited the police figures as 8 lakh 20 thousand people marching in the capital.
Thousands of people gathered at Plaza Italia in the capital Santiago to plan to hold the biggest rally in the history of the country against the increase in Chile ‘subways and public transport fares’. According to the 24-hour TV channel report, on Friday, people gathered not only on the plaza but also on the streets around it.
In view of the protests, according to international time, prohibitory orders have been implemented in the capital Santiago from 2 am on Saturday. Protests are also taking place in other Chilean cities.
In Chile, people have been demonstrating for the past one week about rising socio-economic inequality. These people are raising their voice against the growing gap between low wages and pensions, expensive health services and education and the inequality amongst the rich and poor.