Police shoots down knife attacker in London


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London is shaken once again by a ‘terror-related’ attack. In the Streatham area, a terrorist has injured many people by stabbing them with knives. The police have killed the attacker in retaliation. Police consider the incident a terrorist attack. Britain’s Metropolitan Police says the attacker stabbed several people. The BBC report says that Emergency Services has taken the area under its control.

The Metropolitan Police has advised people to stay away from the scene by closing the road. Police have increased security of the area after the incident. The BBC has quoted the London Ambulance Service as saying that health workers have been alerted after receiving information about the incident. News agency Reuters has reported that many people have been injured in this knife-wrenching incident in South London.

Eyewitnesses said they heard gunshots in the area. The incident site has been blocked and the police has tightened the surveillance of the entire area. The London Ambulance Service has said that health workers have been dispatched to help the injured after the incident on Streatham High Road. According to local time, the police killed the attacker outside a supermarket on Streatham High Road at 2 pm local time.


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Police said on Twitter that this is a terrorist incident and the circumstances are being assessed. Streatham is a busy residential district south of the River Thames. A lot of videos of the event have been posted on social media. However, no agency has confirmed these videos. Some of the eyewitnesses have also seen helicopters hovering in the sky and have given information about this on social media.

There have been terrorist attacks in London earlier also. There was a terrorist attack in London in November also. At that time, a terrorist of Pakistani origin killed two people on London Bridge. The attacker threatened to blow up the people on the bridge after which the police shot him dead. According to a Reuters report, three people were also injured in this attack. The terrorist was convicted of plotting a bomb blast in 2012 and came out on bail in December 2018.

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