Recession to hit US in the next 1-2 years say economists


Economists believe that in the next year 2020 or 2021 in the US, there may be a big recession. A survey was conducted among economic experts in which majority opinion was that the world’s largest economy is on the verge of recession. At the same time, US President Donald Trump has opposed the news of a slowdown in the country. According to the news agency PTI, this time of recession has been delayed due to recent efforts by the Federal Reserve.

In this regard, Donald Trump told reporters on Sunday, “I am ready for everything.” I do not think we will fall into recession. We are doing very well. Our consumers are rich. I have given them tremendous tax exemption, they have a lot of money and they are shopping. I have seen the figures of Walmart and they are making good money. “

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On the other hand, the US central bank Federal Reserve was also giving such signals that it is worried about the state of the economy in the future. In connection with the recession, NABE President and KPMG Chief Economist Constance Hunter said that the survey report said that due to changes in monetary policy, the period of expansion in the economy may continue for some more time. Hunter said that the recession will come in 2020 or 2021, experts have different opinions about it.

In this survey, 38 percent of the experts said that the United States may fall into recession next year, while 34 percent of the experts said that it will not come before next to next year i.e. before 2021. These economists also have great doubts about any trade agreement with China.

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