Singapore passes law to curb fake news


Singapore has passed a law to stop Fake News (fake reports). The publication of Fake News in this has been called a crime. At the same time, the government has been given the right to order a ban and remove such material. Those who violate it, may face up to ten years of jail sentence and heavy penalties.

Singapore’s Opposition Workers Party MP Daniel Goh said in a post on Facebook that the bill to protect online fraud was passed Wednesday night 72 votes were in favor of the bill and only nine votes were cast opposing it.

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False news which could be harmful to Singapore or affect elections have been banned under this law. Opposing it, opposition MPs in Parliament said, this has given the ministers of the government so much power that they can decide what is a lie?

Human Rights Watchalso criticized the law and said that it is a disaster for online expression. Technical giant Google has also said that it can harm innovation.

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