Study in Lancet Journal sheds light on modes of transmission of Corona


A study in the world’s leading health research journal, Lancet, has made a big claim amid the growing infection of the corona virus. A research published in the journal claimed that the corona virus spreads rapidly through the air. By reviewing the different studies published so far about the virus, experts have given many reasons to prove their point.

The lead author of the research, Trish Greenhalgh of Oxford University, says that after the new revelations, other health agencies, including the World Health Organization (WHO), need to change the definition of transmission of the virus. The other rules that are made, including physical distancing, mask, are not enough to stop the virus. This review has been written by six experts from the UK, USA and Canada.

Important claims made in the new study-

1. Cases found in Super Spreader event

The new study states that a choir event proved to be a super-spreader event. An infected person was involved in this event and he infected 53 other people. It was found in the study that many people had not even come in contact with each other nor had they met. Certainly the virus spread from the air, only then these people were infected.

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2. Transmission in indoor more

Research suggests that infection spreads more quickly in closed spaces than in open spaces. The spread of infection can be reduced by ventilating closed spaces.

3. Virus spread by silent transmission

The review says that silent transmission was also helpful in spreading the virus. 40% of virus transmission was from people with no symptoms. These untreated people spread the virus all over the world.

4. Reduced evidence of dispersion from large droplets

Very little evidence has been found about the rapid spread of the virus from heavy droplets. Large droplets do not stay in the air. Falling and infecting the surface. No proving fact has been found in any study.

What does the new claim mean?

Experts say that it is still necessary to wash hands and clean the surface, but the entire focus should not be on it. There is a need that urgent steps should be taken for eliminating the virus transmission through air. Under this, the focus should be on preventing the virus from going into the windpipe and eliminating it in the air.

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