Study reveals difference between Covid-19 and flu symptoms

Fever and cough are the main symptoms of Covid-19 symptoms. However, the same symptoms can be seen in other common diseases and Seasonal flu symptoms. This makes it a big problem to understand the difference between flu and corona virus. It is more difficult to understand in patients with mild symptoms of corona.
A new study has closely studied the symptoms seen in Covid-19 and flu. The researchers of the study claim that a particular difference between symptoms can tell you whether fever-cough is common flu or Covid-19.
Research at Southern California University (USC) has shown that symptoms of Covid-19 often appear in a certain sequence. This discovery can be helpful in understanding the symptoms of Covid-19 and helps in isolating or treating them quickly.
According to the study, the patient first gets fever when infected with Covid-19. After this, there is a problem of cough and muscle aches. In the third stage, the patient feels like nausea or vomiting. Eventually, the patient may have diarrhea. Shortness of breath in the end is a different symptom from the flu itself.
The order of symptoms of the flu is different from this. In this, the patient coughs first and then has fever. Emergency Physician Dr. Robert Glatter of New York-based Lenox Hill Hospital said, “In fact, it’s hard to understand, because the flu can start with symptoms like backache, chills, or dry cough.”
Dr. Glatter said that this study can prove very useful in understanding symptoms among different types of patients in a busy clinic. According to the study, the initial symptom of influenza is cough, whereas in Covid-19 infection, the patient first gets fever.
To understand the sequence of symptoms, the researchers analyzed the rate of symptoms of 55,000 positive cases of Covid-19 in China by WHO. They also looked at data from 1,100 patients collected by China Medical Treatment Expert Groups for Covid-19 from January to December.
Researchers analyzed data from more than 2,000 Covid-19 patients in North America, Europe, and South Hemisphere to understand the order in Covid-19 and influenza symptoms and reported it to health officials between 1994 and 1998. Joseph Larsen, the author of the study, said that every disease develops differently. After knowing this, doctors will soon be able to identify the disease and give better treatment.