Study reveals Swiss glaciers have melted by 10 percent in last 5 years


Among global concerns over climate change, a study said that Switzerland’s glaciers have shrunk ten percent in the last five years. This is said to be the highest rate of melting of glaciers in the past century.

According to an annual study of glaciers conducted by the Swiss Academy of Sciences’ cryospheric commission, a measurement of 20 Swiss glaciers showed that the ice melting rate reached a record level this year. The commission says that in April and May this year, the amount of snow in these glaciers was 20 to 40 percent more than the average. But the last two weeks of June and the scorching heat in July melted the glaciers’ snow very fast.

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A recent study by Zurich-based ETH Technical University warns that if emissions of greenhouse gases are not curbed, more than 90 percent of the four thousand glaciers in the Alps mountain range will disappear by the end of this century. The Modi government in India has also taken several drastic steps on the issue of climate change. Recently, a campaign has also been started against the use of single use plastic. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had also said during the United Nations General Assembly recently that India has started work to protect the environment and now other countries should also take steps soon.

It is worth noting that in the report of the Intergovernmental Group formed on the United Nations initiative on the global challenges related to climate change, there was a concern about new threats related to the sea. The report warned that as a result of climate change, not only will the sea level rise, but also increase the risk of increasing sea temperature and acidification of water. Due to this, the existence of sea creatures will also be in danger. In such a situation, if drastic steps are not taken in time, it can have serious consequences.

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