UK PM Boris Johnson tests positive for Covid-19


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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been found infected with the Coronavirus Covid-19. He has given this information through Twitter. The British PM wrote, some symptoms have been seen in the last 24 hours and the corona virus has tested positive. He has isolated himself after being infected with Covid-19. However, he has said that along with fighting Corona, he will continue to play the responsibility of the government through video conference.


At the same time, the number of people infected with the coronavirus in the UK has increased to 9,529 by Wednesday (25 March) morning. Giving this information, the UK Department of Health and Social Care said that there was an increase of 1,452 cases as compared to the official figures on Tuesday (24 March).

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England’s Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Professor Chris Whitty said Britain is increasing the rate of coronavirus tests.

According to a previous government statement, officials are working to increase the number of Tests of Covid-19 infection. Public Health England and the National Health Service (NHS) can perform up to 25 thousand tests in a day. The Department of Health and Social Care said that 1.5 million face masks were distributed to local hospitals across the country as of Tuesday (March 24).

Uncontrolled situation in London

More than half of the country’s 9,529 confirmed cases are from London itself. Thursday (26 March) is the third day of lockdown in Britain. Chris Hopson, chief executive of NHS Providers, a representative organization of heads of hospitals, said he was receiving information that the rate at which hospital beds are filling is very worrying because the number of personnel in hospitals is also decreasing due to infection.

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