US claims China conducted Nuke test


The US has claimed that China has tested a low-capacity atomic bomb underground. However, China has denied this claim by the US. This is reported in the Arms Control Compliance report. However, no evidence of this test has been provided. The report presents evidence of excavation and other activities at the trial site of the Lop Nur test site in China.

The US State Department report on the Wall Street Journal reported that China’s Lop Nur test site had been under preparation for over a year.

The United States is worried that China may violate the ‘zero yield’ during the blasts. Zero yield is a nuclear test in which there is no chain reaction, such as on the detonation of a nuclear weapon. China and Pakistan are working together on the low-intensity atomic bombs reported by the United States. They make it easier to target a small area.

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In May last year, the US Defense Intelligence Agency made similar allegations against Russia, which were never proved. The US Hawk has several times demanded the Trump administration to disband the CTBT treaty, so that the US can independently conduct new nuclear tests.

China blocked data transmission

The US State Department has claimed that China has blocked data transmission from sensors connected to the International Agency’s monitoring center. It is this agency that ensures that the agreement to ban nuclear test is being followed. An agency spokeswoman told the Wall Street Journal that there were blocks in data transmission from China between 2018 and August 2019, but no subsequent blocks.

China said – America is making wrong allegations

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said that the US is making false allegations. China is committed to prohibiting nuclear tests. He said, “China has always adopted a responsible attitude and has faithfully fulfilled its promises to fulfill international obligations. America’s claim is completely baseless. “

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