US overtakes China for most coronavirus positive cases


America has the highest number of coronavirus infected patients worldwide

The number of people infected with the coronavirus in the US has increased rapidly. This is the reason that there are now the maximum number of 82179 infected people here. On Thursday, 13968 new positive cases were reported in the US. There have been 1177 deaths so far. According to the New York Times, America has the highest number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in the world.

The coronavirus has now started spreading its legs rapidly in America. Here the number of affected has now exceeded China. Here the number of affected has increased to 80854 with 12643 new cases. At the same time, 1163 people have died due to this epidemic.

The number of dead in Spain is more than four thousand

After Italy (7503 deaths), Spain has seen the highest number of 4089 deaths in the world due to this epidemic. Here the government does not see any way to slow this transition. This has led the government to convert hotels into hospitals and Madrid’s ice rink into temporary cemeteries. According to a nurse working in a hospital in Madrid, ‘we are being destroyed. We need more health workers’.

More than a hundred deaths a day for the first time in the UK

For the first time in the UK more than a hundred people have died in a single day. The number of dead has now risen to 578 here.

6153 new cases of corona virus infection in Italy

In Italy, there have been 6153 new cases of infection with the Corona virus, which has increased the total number of infected people to more than half a million worldwide. This information was given by John Hopkins University. In Italy, the number of virus infections has gone up to 80 thousand 539 which is almost equal to China. On Thursday, the Civil Protection Agency of Italy reported 662 deaths from the corona virus, due to this epidemic in the country. The death toll has risen to 8165, the highest worldwide. In Italy, government is struggling to provide more masks, gloves and glasses to doctors and nurses.

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More than 15 thousand deaths due to corona virus in Europe

More than 15 thousand people have died in Europe due to the corona virus. The figure was released by AFP on Thursday. There have been a total of 15 thousand 500 deaths in Europe, including 8165 in Italy, 4089 in Spain and 1331 in France. The total number of infected people in Europe, the continent most affected by the Corona virus, is 2,68,191. The virus first appeared in China in December.

In France, 365 people including a 16-year-old teenager died during the last 24 hours due to the coronavirus. This is the highest number of deaths in a day due to this epidemic in the country. French top health officer Jerome Salomon told reporters that a total of 1696 people died in hospital in France from the virus.

He said that it does not include the number of dead who died in their homes or retirement homes. He said that so far 29 thousand 155 people have been infected with the virus in France. He said that the actual number could be much higher as the investigation report of the high risk patients has been kept safe.

Pakistan seeks loan of $ 3.7 billion, number of infected cross 1,100

Pakistan has sought an additional loan of $ 3.7 billion from three multilateral lenders to deal with the economic crisis created by the Corona virus outbreak. So far nine people have died due to Corona virus in the country and more than 1,100 people are infected with it.

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