US President pays tributes to those who lost their lives battling Covid-19


The number of corona patients in the world exceeded 11.22 million. Over 877.7 million people have been cured. So far, over 24 lakh 84 thousand people have lost their lives. These figures are according to

In the US, the death toll from Covid-19 officially crossed 5 lakh. However, the worldometers and other Kovid tracker websites had reported a death toll of five lakh two days earlier. In the presence of President Biden, Americans killed by the pandemic were remembered. Tributes were paid to Americans by lighting candles and keeping silence in the White House. Biden said, ‘We have to deal with it strongly. This is not just a number but a challenge. Politics and misinformation will have to be avoided to combat the pandemic. I would like to say one thing, people who have lost their families in this epidemic, I feel a deep sense of their pain.’

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Never before have so many deaths occurred in a period due to any single reason in American history. About 4.5 million Americans died in the Second World War. 58 thousand died in the Vietnam War and 36 thousand in the war with Korea. The University of Washington has feared that by June 1, the death toll from the pandemic may reach 5 lakh 89 thousand.

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