US President Trump tests positive for Corona


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In a major news from America, the country most affected by Coronavirus. President Donald Trump has also fallen prey to this. On Friday morning, Donald Trump tweeted that he and his wife Melania were found to be positive for Coronavirus. After the test result, both have been quarantined.

Earlier, Donald Hump’s personal advisor in the White House, Hope Hicks, was tested positive for Corona on Friday.

Now Donald Trump and Melania will have to remain quarantine for the next 14 days, they will be tested again for corona after a week. The news of the US President has come at a time when voting is to be held for the next President of the United States of America next month.

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Significantly, the management of Coronavirus crisis by Donald Trump’s government is being severely criticized in America. Donald Trump himself did not wear a mask for long, which was much criticized. However, after a long time, he wore a mask.

On the same day, the first presidential debate took place between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, in which Donald Trump had blamed China for Corona. At the same time, Joe Biden was ridiculed for wearing a mask, on which Joe Biden hit back at the US President.

The US is currently at number one in the list of corona-affected countries, where there are more than 7.5 million corona cases while more than two lakh have died.

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